Aviator British WWI Pilot
Sample Stills & Anims
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Media Type:
UV Mapped:
Unwrapped UVs:
3D Model
polygonal Quads and Tris
The eyes have bone control for position or you can use the Eye morphs to control position.
There are 48 morphs in this object - 8 of them are Phoneme controls:F, AI, CDGJKNSTYZ, E, L, O, U and WQ - the remaining are as follows: CheecksPuffed, EyebrowArch-LT, EyebrowArch-RT, Eyebrow-DN-LT, Eyebrow-DN-RT, Eyebrow-DN-Both, EyelidsOpened, EyelidsOpenedWide, Eyes-DN, Eyes-LT, Eyes-RT, EyesUP, JawBack, JawDown, JawForward, Jaw-LT, JawRotateZ-LT, Jaw-RT, LeftCollarUp, Lip-Lower-In, MidMouth-LT, MidMouth-RT, Mouth-DN, Mouth-Frown, Mouth-Open, Motuh-Pucker, MouthRotateZ-RT, MouthUp, MouthWhistle, NoseScrunch,
RightCollarUp, Smile, Snarl-LT, Snarl-RT, Squint, ThinMan03, UpperLip-In, UpperLip-Out, HandsLarger, Z-Thinner
But if you have positioned the model by moving the bones, AND you try to use some morph targets, you may have some pretty weird distortions that will freak you out.
Don't panic, the solution is to 'zero' out your bone positions, as or just before you apply the 'Morph' targets.
13019 verticies
12328 polys
539 verticies
496 polys
Helmit and Goggles
1505 verticies
1484 polys
124 verticies
108 polys
8 verticies
6 polys
MAX (Max counts the polys and verticies of the object and all of it’s morphs into the total)+
Man, Cap,Helmit and Goggles, Swaggerstick, Ground
21282 verticies
20746 polys
Image maps are 4k
Aviator WWI British Pilot - rigged
Aviator WWI British Pilot - includes Cap, Helmet with goggles, swaggerstick
Aviator WWI British Pilot Rigged and Animated for Lightwave version 11.6 and up and for 3DS Max version 8.5 and up
This model comes with several pre-animated scenes to get you started:
Aviator_8-Zero (base T-Pose and Rigged Scene)
I don’t like to have too many control objects in my rigs, I like them simple and so I try to access the bones directly as often as possible. you can remove or add to the control objects I have placed on the rig.
In Lightwave “Aviator_8-MainLayer” moves the entire rigged object
In Max the “LOC-POINT” moves the entire rigged object
MAX: The main controlling Object “CtrlC_COG” attached to "ROOT" bone
LW: The main controlling Bone is the "ROOT" bone
Max: The feet and legs are controlled by "LT-Foot" and "RT-Foot"
objects respectively. When you select a foot controller in Max under the “Modify” menu you will find “Custom Attributes” which have Heel To and Ball of foot controls.
LW: The feet and legs are controlled by "LT-Foot" and "RT-Foot" bones respectively. LW has “Lt_ToeControl” and “RT_ToeControl” for horizontal toe control - LW Also has “LT_OnToes” and “RT_OnToes” to rock toes up
Max: The hands are controlled by the “CtrlC_LT_Hand” and “CtrlC_RT_Hand” objects
LW: The hands are controlled by the “LT_Hand” and “RT_Hand” Bones
Max: the Knees and Elbows are managed by “CtrlC_LT_Elbow”and “CtrlC_RT_Elbow” and “CtrlC_LT_Knee” and “CtrlC_RT_Knee” objects
LW: the Knees and Elbows are a bit different and are managed by “LT_Elbow_Control” and “RT_Elbow_Control” and “LT_Knee_Dir” and “RT_Knee_Dir” objects - In addition, there are “LT_KneeRotate” and “LRT_KneeRotate” controls - a bit tricky at first, but you’ll get the hang of it
Max: The Head, Neck, shoulders, fingers and spine(s) all have their own bones as controllers
LW: The Head, Neck, shoulders, fingers and spine(s) all have their own bones as controllers
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