House Sparrow - MAX
House Sparrow
Rigged and Animated for Lightwave 8.5 and up
This model comes with several pre-animated scenes to get you started.
The wings are animated using the 3 bones within each. The wings are folded using one of several morph targets.
You can also make adjustments, like spreading the wing tip feathers and spreading the tail using morph targets.
The main controlling object is the "ROOT" bone
'HSparrow-ZERO.lws' is the name given to my BASIC set up, no animation.
I have provided several scene files to get you started:
Fly loop
Land and Take Off
The feet and legs are controlled by "LT-Foot" and "RT-Foot" respectively.
There are 2 'neck' bones, a 'head' bone and a 'lower beak' bone.
There are 20 Morph targets.
The 'Mouth' phonemes are controlled by 8 Morph targets located when you select the Blue Jay mesh and go to "Object" => "Properties" => "Deform".
But the mouth can be opened and closed with a bone as well.
The wings are controlled by 3 bones each
and have 2 Morph positions, to spread the wing tips and 4 morph positions to fold the wing
The Tail spread is controlled via Morph target "TailSpread", the Tail bone controls position and rotation.
The toes are controlled by 12 bones on each foot.
To fold the wings use the morphs noted above.
The eyelids and eyebrows can be manipulated via:
But if you have positioned the wings by moving the bones, AND you try to use morph targets to fold them, you WILL have some pretty weird distortions that will freak you out.
Don't panic, the solution is to 'zero' out your wing bone positions, as or just before you apply the 'Morph' targets.
The model is made hi resolution by using Sub-Patching, so the actual geometry is much less than th rendered geometry.
Real Geometry:
13.394 verticies
9,630 polygons
Sub patched Geometry:
162.705 verticies
144,600 polygons
The feathers are geometry so no plugins are required. This also allows the model to render very quickly, espcially when copmared to hair type plugins.